Monday, April 30, 2012

Number 11

Number 11 is my very favorite number (couldn't tell you why, but it always has been), and this is probably my very favorite goal - for a couple of reasons.  First, this is something I've always wanted to do, but never had the guts.  Next, I was able to do it with someone close to me.  Lastly, it had a special meaning behind it.

This was kind of a revised goal.  I was going to give my hair to Locks of Love - because that's the only organization I knew of.  Lara called me one day and told me about Beautiful Lengths by Pantene.  She has donated her hair through them before.  The difference is Beautiful Lengths makes wigs for cancer patients, and Locks of Love makes wigs for people with Alopecia.  So, the two of us decided to plan a day (April 28) to go together and get our hair cut.

Here's what made this so special...

This is Aunt Anita with Erik and Lara
Today is my Aunt Anita's death anniversary.  I was only eight when she passed away, so I really didn't know much about her, but I've been told that she loved me and my sister very much.  When Kayla and I were little, mom would drop us off at Granny's frequently on her way to work. Granny lived in Midfield, so it was on her way out.  Almost every time we were there, Aunt Anita would come by for lunch and bring us both kid's meals from Taco Bell.  I loved these little visits.

I didn't have a clue what was happening to Aunt Anita until her hair started falling out.  At eight years old, I had probably never heard the word "cancer."  But I knew something was hurting my Aunt, and that was making my family hurt.  Now we have an angel watching over us, and I know she was smiling down as Lara and I did this in her honor.  How much more special donating my hair was after Lara asked to do it with me, and for my sweet Aunt!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Number 21

I saw the Hunger Games movie!

For Christmas, Uncle Larry gave me and Kayla each a gift card to Red Lobster and a gift card to the movies.  These were for "date nights", so we decided to make it a double-date!  So we waited for the Hunger Games movie to use either of our gift cards.

LOVED the movie.  It was very accurate to the book.  I definitely recommend you see it, but read the book first!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Numbers 45, 53, and 12

This has been a big week for my challenge!  I have completed quite a number of my goals!

Last week, I got new glasses.  I've been wearing my last pair of glasses since 08 I think.  So I definitely felt it was time for a new pair.  But boy did I have some drama just trying to get them!  I won't go into all the details, but I will tell you that I had a definite freakout moment!  I couldn't get a decent picture of them on my face, but you can get the gist by the picture below.  They are so cute, and I LOVE the crimson frames! :)

Saturday, Paul and I went to mom and dad's for a little family game night.  This has become something Paul and I really look forward to.  We love to hang out with both of our families so much and are so grateful to be close with our families!  Just about every time we go to my parents', we all play a friendly little game of Scrabble.  Guess who always loses??  ME!  I hate it!  I love the game, but I guess I just haven't got the strategy down yet.  Paul, on the other hand, is extremely smart and always does pretty well.

This weekend, we decided to play couples.  So Mom and Dad vs Kayla and Calan vs Me and Paul.  It was a blast...AND...Paul and I won!  That score on the far left is ours!!


I GOT A RAISE!   And by that I mean I got a new job!  I'll be starting at Alumni Association in the Scholarship Department on April 16.  Yep, I'm going back to my old stomping ground.  The only thing that could possibly make me more excited about this is if Haley was going back with me!

I turned in my two week's notice today, and it was truly a bitter-sweet feeling.  I'm excited to start a new adventure, but I'm so sad to leave my friends.  I have made some of the best friends at Tide Pride.  That is truly a great bunch to work with, and I am going to miss them terribly!  Fortunately, they are just across the street.  I'm already trying to plan a particular day a week or so to have a lunch date with my pals.  

Isn't it amazing how the Lord works these things out for his children?  I begged and begged the guys at Alumni to please let me stay after I graduated.  They weren't able to offer me anything at the time.  I was very fortunate, though, to get the Tide Pride job and start almost immediately after graduation.  Actually, I think Brenda called to offer me the job the day before I graduated.  I would have never thought I would have made such great friends, and family - this is how I met Paul!  And now, here I am, heading back to work for Alumni.  I could really feel the Lord doing some things just through the way certain events took place relating to this job.  He definitely made my decision loud and clear.

I am so excited!  Thank you all who were praying for me and encouraging me as I was trying to figure out the right thing to do as far as the job situation goes.  It's extremely encouraging to know that I am cared about by so many, and I'm not sure that this could have gone so smoothly without some of you.