I haven't seen my friend, Haley in over a year. We have maintained a very good long distance relationship, but I still miss her. Well, this week I had the opportunity to see her! We had a nice lunch date to Panera Bread and then did a little shopping at Kohl's. Haley is the queen of bargain finds at Kohl's. I'm very glad I was able to spend a little time with my friend!! :)
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Number 25
See that satellite dish? I haven't had DirectTV for a couple of years now. I have U-Verse (which is awesome by the way and doesn't include some ugly metal piece to go somewhere in your yard). When I cancelled DirectTV they said "Oh, by the way, you are responsible for removing that dish." ...oh great...
I have mentioned to Paul a number of times (especially when I'm mowing the grass and have to go around it) that when WE have time I would like to get rid of that old thing. I also emphasized that there was no rush. Just needed it gone at least by the end of my 1001 days.
Three weeks ago my amazing boyfriend was weed eating my yard. It was a very very hot day and he had to take a number of milk breaks (Yes, milk, not water...). He finally came in and I could tell he was so exhausted. I told him to just wait and I'd maybe weed eat the rest during after work one day. He only had to do the back yard, and it really wasn't more than I could handle. He then explained to me that he wouldn't be so exhausted had he not tried to dig up the satellite dish. Of course, I don't have a single tool in my shed to make removing the dish easy. He basically bent the thing back and forth until it snapped in half only to realize that it was in about 2 feet of cement under the ground.
Oh, that boy is crazy, but he loves me and that's why he did it and didn't ask for help I guess.
So now the yard looks much better. No more ugly dish. The cement is still there for the moment, but it's underground. Also, this picture is just after the tornado - which is why you see such a mess. All of that is gone as well. So my yard looks quite nice!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Number 4
We made it to Montgomery Zoo!
Going to the zoo has always been mine and the girls "thing." We go at least once a year, and every time we talk about how we need to plan a trip to Montgomery. Birmingham Zoo is great, but a change of scenery sounded nice. Fourth of July we planned to go on this date, and nothing was going to stop us...not even a 60% chance of rain (By the way - it didn't rain. Thank you, Lord).
It took us almost 3 hours to walk through the entire zoo. It was split up into continents - South America, North America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. A few of the animals I had never even heard of - Like the mix between a deer and a rabbit (can't remember what that one was called, but it was interesting looking.) We saw 2 bears - Birmingham Zoo took theirs out years ago.
The highlight of our trip was feeding the Giraffe. Each of us were able to feed some leafy greens to a certain giraffe. He had the biggest tongue and licked our hand whenever he'd try to eat the leaves. Paul tried to hold a green up against his cheek to get a kiss (yuck...) but no luck. The giraffe was smarter than that.
After we left the zoo, we decided to visit the Capitol. The Capitol wasn't open, but we were able to tour the first white house of the confederate. It was really neat and beautiful. Then, we visited the Alabama Department of Archives and History. As soon as we walked into "Grandma's Attic" I remembered visiting this museum in the 4th grade. Grandma's Attic is a "hands-on" area for kids. The reason I remember it: my entire class dressed up, and we did the same today. Even Paul dressed up a little.
We ended the day with dinner at O'Charleys and jammed out to some Disney, Phantom, and Aaron Carter on the way home. We had the best day! I'm so glad we FINALLY made it!
Going to the zoo has always been mine and the girls "thing." We go at least once a year, and every time we talk about how we need to plan a trip to Montgomery. Birmingham Zoo is great, but a change of scenery sounded nice. Fourth of July we planned to go on this date, and nothing was going to stop us...not even a 60% chance of rain (By the way - it didn't rain. Thank you, Lord).
It took us almost 3 hours to walk through the entire zoo. It was split up into continents - South America, North America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. A few of the animals I had never even heard of - Like the mix between a deer and a rabbit (can't remember what that one was called, but it was interesting looking.) We saw 2 bears - Birmingham Zoo took theirs out years ago.
The highlight of our trip was feeding the Giraffe. Each of us were able to feed some leafy greens to a certain giraffe. He had the biggest tongue and licked our hand whenever he'd try to eat the leaves. Paul tried to hold a green up against his cheek to get a kiss (yuck...) but no luck. The giraffe was smarter than that.
After we left the zoo, we decided to visit the Capitol. The Capitol wasn't open, but we were able to tour the first white house of the confederate. It was really neat and beautiful. Then, we visited the Alabama Department of Archives and History. As soon as we walked into "Grandma's Attic" I remembered visiting this museum in the 4th grade. Grandma's Attic is a "hands-on" area for kids. The reason I remember it: my entire class dressed up, and we did the same today. Even Paul dressed up a little.
We ended the day with dinner at O'Charleys and jammed out to some Disney, Phantom, and Aaron Carter on the way home. We had the best day! I'm so glad we FINALLY made it!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
A goal in progress...
I have put this little guy here to track my weight progress. One of my goals is to lose at least 40 lbs. Before starting this ticker, I have lost 9. But I thought you guys would be interested in seeing my progress as well!

Saturday, July 7, 2012
Number 10

Wyatt Dee was born today, which means I completed a goal - Hold a brand new baby. And this baby was less that one hour old! This may seem silly to some of you, but I have never held a baby that was less than a day old. When Loralei was born, I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to touch her and get her sick. I didn't hold her until she was back home. To make completing this goal even more special, I was the first person to hold Wyatt besides his mommy and daddy.
This is going to be one spoiled little boy (just like his sister). These two have so many people who love them! I am so blessed to have such a close, loving family.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Numbers 23 and 30
My baby sister is engaged! I am so stinking excited for her and Calan. I could not have picked out a better person for her to spend the rest of her life with.
Also, I went to the beach this weekend! We went down to Destin Friday afternoon and came home yesterday. It was beautiful there! We all got very sun burnt on Saturday, so we didn't get but one full day on the beach. It was definitely a nice vacation though!
I definitely cried when she called me. I know I'm going to be a big ole baby up on that stage when she's saying "I do", but I cannot wait to start my Maid of Honor duties! I already have a few things planned.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Numbers 97, 42, and 66
Number 97 - While reading my list, I realized I never blogged about something! I planted flowers! Remember when I spruced up my mailbox? A week or so later, I planted pretty pink flowers around it. Sorry I don't have any pictures to post, but the flowers make the mailbox area complete!
Number 42 - I didn't eat out for a whole week. Boy was my checkbook happy! Not to mention I actually dropped like 2 pounds from not eating so badly. If I could make this a permanent thing, I would be in good shape!
Number 66 - I sent a random note to a friend "just because" and I have a picture of this one. I sent my friend, Madeline (whom I miss terribly) a "goodie" envelope with a little note by way of my runner for the day (AKA my sister). This was one of my "rewarding" goals - by that, I mean I may have gotten more out of it than she did. Granted, it was only some snacks and coupons, but it felt good to send a surprise over just to say hey and I hope week is great! The rewarding goals are the best.
Number 42 - I didn't eat out for a whole week. Boy was my checkbook happy! Not to mention I actually dropped like 2 pounds from not eating so badly. If I could make this a permanent thing, I would be in good shape!
Number 66 - I sent a random note to a friend "just because" and I have a picture of this one. I sent my friend, Madeline (whom I miss terribly) a "goodie" envelope with a little note by way of my runner for the day (AKA my sister). This was one of my "rewarding" goals - by that, I mean I may have gotten more out of it than she did. Granted, it was only some snacks and coupons, but it felt good to send a surprise over just to say hey and I hope week is great! The rewarding goals are the best.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Number 11

This was kind of a revised goal. I was going to give my hair to Locks of Love - because that's the only organization I knew of. Lara called me one day and told me about Beautiful Lengths by Pantene. She has donated her hair through them before. The difference is Beautiful Lengths makes wigs for cancer patients, and Locks of Love makes wigs for people with Alopecia. So, the two of us decided to plan a day (April 28) to go together and get our hair cut.
Here's what made this so special...
![]() |
This is Aunt Anita with Erik and Lara |
I didn't have a clue what was happening to Aunt Anita until her hair started falling out. At eight years old, I had probably never heard the word "cancer." But I knew something was hurting my Aunt, and that was making my family hurt. Now we have an angel watching over us, and I know she was smiling down as Lara and I did this in her honor. How much more special donating my hair was after Lara asked to do it with me, and for my sweet Aunt!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Number 21
I saw the Hunger Games movie!
For Christmas, Uncle Larry gave me and Kayla each a gift card to Red Lobster and a gift card to the movies. These were for "date nights", so we decided to make it a double-date! So we waited for the Hunger Games movie to use either of our gift cards.
LOVED the movie. It was very accurate to the book. I definitely recommend you see it, but read the book first!
For Christmas, Uncle Larry gave me and Kayla each a gift card to Red Lobster and a gift card to the movies. These were for "date nights", so we decided to make it a double-date! So we waited for the Hunger Games movie to use either of our gift cards.
LOVED the movie. It was very accurate to the book. I definitely recommend you see it, but read the book first!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Numbers 45, 53, and 12
This has been a big week for my challenge! I have completed quite a number of my goals!
Last week, I got new glasses. I've been wearing my last pair of glasses since 08 I think. So I definitely felt it was time for a new pair. But boy did I have some drama just trying to get them! I won't go into all the details, but I will tell you that I had a definite freakout moment! I couldn't get a decent picture of them on my face, but you can get the gist by the picture below. They are so cute, and I LOVE the crimson frames! :)
This weekend, we decided to play couples. So Mom and Dad vs Kayla and Calan vs Me and Paul. It was a blast...AND...Paul and I won! That score on the far left is ours!!
Last week, I got new glasses. I've been wearing my last pair of glasses since 08 I think. So I definitely felt it was time for a new pair. But boy did I have some drama just trying to get them! I won't go into all the details, but I will tell you that I had a definite freakout moment! I couldn't get a decent picture of them on my face, but you can get the gist by the picture below. They are so cute, and I LOVE the crimson frames! :)
Saturday, Paul and I went to mom and dad's for a little family game night. This has become something Paul and I really look forward to. We love to hang out with both of our families so much and are so grateful to be close with our families! Just about every time we go to my parents', we all play a friendly little game of Scrabble. Guess who always loses?? ME! I hate it! I love the game, but I guess I just haven't got the strategy down yet. Paul, on the other hand, is extremely smart and always does pretty well.
This weekend, we decided to play couples. So Mom and Dad vs Kayla and Calan vs Me and Paul. It was a blast...AND...Paul and I won! That score on the far left is ours!!
I GOT A RAISE! And by that I mean I got a new job! I'll be starting at Alumni Association in the Scholarship Department on April 16. Yep, I'm going back to my old stomping ground. The only thing that could possibly make me more excited about this is if Haley was going back with me!
I turned in my two week's notice today, and it was truly a bitter-sweet feeling. I'm excited to start a new adventure, but I'm so sad to leave my friends. I have made some of the best friends at Tide Pride. That is truly a great bunch to work with, and I am going to miss them terribly! Fortunately, they are just across the street. I'm already trying to plan a particular day a week or so to have a lunch date with my pals.
Isn't it amazing how the Lord works these things out for his children? I begged and begged the guys at Alumni to please let me stay after I graduated. They weren't able to offer me anything at the time. I was very fortunate, though, to get the Tide Pride job and start almost immediately after graduation. Actually, I think Brenda called to offer me the job the day before I graduated. I would have never thought I would have made such great friends, and family - this is how I met Paul! And now, here I am, heading back to work for Alumni. I could really feel the Lord doing some things just through the way certain events took place relating to this job. He definitely made my decision loud and clear.
I am so excited! Thank you all who were praying for me and encouraging me as I was trying to figure out the right thing to do as far as the job situation goes. It's extremely encouraging to know that I am cared about by so many, and I'm not sure that this could have gone so smoothly without some of you.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Number 67
I made a recipe book.
I went to Granny's over Spring Break and copied some of her recipes to put in my homemade recipe book. Currently, these are the only recipes I have in it, but I really love having the copies in her handwriting. I have plenty of my own, but need to type them up and glue them in. Hopefully I can make some of these tastey treats soon.
I went to Granny's over Spring Break and copied some of her recipes to put in my homemade recipe book. Currently, these are the only recipes I have in it, but I really love having the copies in her handwriting. I have plenty of my own, but need to type them up and glue them in. Hopefully I can make some of these tastey treats soon.
These are all the fun scrapbook pages I am using |
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Number 86
I've had the UGLIEST mailbox since I moved into my house. So, I decided to fix it up a little. I used some leftover brown paint to paint the mailbox, and stencilled my house number and name. It looks so much better! But that wasn't enough.... I also decided planting a little flower bed around my mail box would be so pretty and make my yard look much nicer. It definitely does!
I planned to do this Sunday by myself. I knew it would be an all day task, but didn't think it'd be very hard. Boy, was I wrong. I could not have gotten it done without Paul. He randomly came over on Sunday, and I told him to be prepared to work! And to make it even more difficult, the only shovel I had was a garden shovel! He had a time digging out some weeds, but he got it done! It looks so nice!
Let me also brag that this project only cost me about $11.00. The paint I used was leftover from when we had the house painted, the bricks were left by the previous owners of the house, and the wood was "borrowed" from the lot across the street (Kayla and I "borrow" a lot of things from that lot). So, I paid a little for the mulch and stencils. I got the stencils with a gift card, so really I only spent $4.00. I love cheap!
I planned to do this Sunday by myself. I knew it would be an all day task, but didn't think it'd be very hard. Boy, was I wrong. I could not have gotten it done without Paul. He randomly came over on Sunday, and I told him to be prepared to work! And to make it even more difficult, the only shovel I had was a garden shovel! He had a time digging out some weeds, but he got it done! It looks so nice!
Let me also brag that this project only cost me about $11.00. The paint I used was leftover from when we had the house painted, the bricks were left by the previous owners of the house, and the wood was "borrowed" from the lot across the street (Kayla and I "borrow" a lot of things from that lot). So, I paid a little for the mulch and stencils. I got the stencils with a gift card, so really I only spent $4.00. I love cheap!
Before. This is how my mailbox looked when I moved in, and remained that UGLY until Saturday. |
Paul working hard with my little garden shovel |
The finished project! I love, love, love it! |
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Number 26
I completed my third goal today: Find a new dentist in Tuscaloosa.
I have been seeing the same dentist since I had teeth. That's a long time! He's located in Bessemer, so now that I live in Tuscaloosa, it's quite the commute!
Last trip, I supposedly had a cavity and was going to have to spend about $800.00 on a crown. Of course I put this off until I felt something HAD to be done. I was having some pain in this tooth, so I decided it was time to get it taken care of. My friend, Alecia, recommended that I visit Dr. Rush Smith. Dr. Rush is very close. By close, I mean I could walk to his office from my office in no time.
So I had my appointment with Dr. Rush, and, great news, there is no cavity! Not sure what my other doctor thought he saw (or if he really saw anything), but Dr. Rush says not to bother with that tooth. Praise the Lord! I really didn't have $800.00 I could easily pay out. Turns out, the tooth that was hurting is connected to my sinuses, and that's what caused the pain. He said if my pain lasted more than a couple of days, something must be wrong. But with my history with allergies and sinuses, I don't doubt that that was the problem.
I'm glad to share with you my good report. I think I can add this to my positive though for the day list: Dr. Rush just saved me a ton of money!
I have been seeing the same dentist since I had teeth. That's a long time! He's located in Bessemer, so now that I live in Tuscaloosa, it's quite the commute!
Last trip, I supposedly had a cavity and was going to have to spend about $800.00 on a crown. Of course I put this off until I felt something HAD to be done. I was having some pain in this tooth, so I decided it was time to get it taken care of. My friend, Alecia, recommended that I visit Dr. Rush Smith. Dr. Rush is very close. By close, I mean I could walk to his office from my office in no time.
So I had my appointment with Dr. Rush, and, great news, there is no cavity! Not sure what my other doctor thought he saw (or if he really saw anything), but Dr. Rush says not to bother with that tooth. Praise the Lord! I really didn't have $800.00 I could easily pay out. Turns out, the tooth that was hurting is connected to my sinuses, and that's what caused the pain. He said if my pain lasted more than a couple of days, something must be wrong. But with my history with allergies and sinuses, I don't doubt that that was the problem.
I'm glad to share with you my good report. I think I can add this to my positive though for the day list: Dr. Rush just saved me a ton of money!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Number 98 - Happy Birthday Momma!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Number 61
I completed my first goal today!
Drumroll please............... I BOUGHT SOME NEW SOCKS! Yeah!
This is a silly goal, right? Well, if you know me, you know that I
really needed them because:
A) Almost all of my socks have holes in them! Eeek!
Ok, really, they didn't look as bad as the ones you see pictured, but they were well on their way. I have some kind of weird emotional attachment to my socks. For instance, I've had my Might Mouse socks (which I love) for about 8 years now. Woah! And, even though they have holes in them, I'll probably keep them stashed in my sock drawer.

B) I like to wear socks with my Tom's...particularly white socks with my black Tom's. Not that I like to wear my white socks with them, it's just that's about all I have.
Sorry sister that I ever made fun of you for sporting the Michael Jackson look.
Look at those socks! TWENTY new pairs, and ten of those are black! Yep, I'll no longer be looking a fool in my black dress pants, white/pink/blue/yellow/etc. socks, and black Tom's.
Drumroll please............... I BOUGHT SOME NEW SOCKS! Yeah!
This is a silly goal, right? Well, if you know me, you know that I
really needed them because:
A) Almost all of my socks have holes in them! Eeek!
Ok, really, they didn't look as bad as the ones you see pictured, but they were well on their way. I have some kind of weird emotional attachment to my socks. For instance, I've had my Might Mouse socks (which I love) for about 8 years now. Woah! And, even though they have holes in them, I'll probably keep them stashed in my sock drawer.

B) I like to wear socks with my Tom's...particularly white socks with my black Tom's. Not that I like to wear my white socks with them, it's just that's about all I have.
Sorry sister that I ever made fun of you for sporting the Michael Jackson look.
Look at those socks! TWENTY new pairs, and ten of those are black! Yep, I'll no longer be looking a fool in my black dress pants, white/pink/blue/yellow/etc. socks, and black Tom's.
So anyway, I'm thrilled that I got new socks and ecstatic that I completed my first goal. I know it was easy, but I'm off to a good start. :)
Now I am working on another goal that I hope to be completed in the next few hours. I'll update on it tomorrow!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
101 Goals in 1001 Days
Today I came across the Day Zero Project. Basically, you make a list of 101 things you'd like to do in 1,001 days, or 2.75 years. Sounded like something fun and interesting to do, so I'm giving it a try.
It literally took me 12 hours to figure out my list! Some of the things on my list are easy, some will be quite difficult, and some were just for fun. My plan is to blog each time I complete one of the goals.
So here goes (in no particular order)...
1) Go on a cruise.
2) Go skydiving...and take my daddy!
3) Buy a new fridge.
4) Finally go to the Montgomery Zoo with Amber and Samantha.
5) Visit with Haley. It's been too long.
6) Make a list of 100 things that make me happy. (0/100)
7) Stay off Facebook for an entire week.
8) Finish knitting that pink and brown scarf I started - revised 2-12-13.
9) Knit scarves for Christmas presents - revised 2-12-13.
10) Hold a brand new baby.
11) Donate my hair to locks of love.
12) Get a raise...
13) Put a mantle on the fireplace.
14) No internet - including email - for 24 hours.
15) Learn to play Chess.
16) Think 1 positive thought a day for a month. Maybe this can turn into a good habit.
17) Take 1 photo a day for a year
18) Get a New Year's kiss from my love.
19) Get rid of the ugly old TV in the shed.
20) Finish reading the Hunger Games series
21) See the Hunger Games movie.
22) Lose 40 pounds.
23) Celebrate my baby sister's engagement.
24) Pay for the meal of the person behind me in a drive through.
25) Dig up the satellite dish in the front yard.
26) Find a new dentist in town.
27) Buy a mattress for the guest bedroom.
28) Repaint the front door.
29) Make homemade hummus.
30) Go to the beach.
31) No chocolate for one month. (0/31)
32) No soda for one month. (0/31)
33) Take my mom to another Bon Jovi concert.
34) Find Paul a job.
35) Buy a nice camera. Maybe mom will let me be her business partner! :)
36) Throw a surprise party.
37) Swim with dolphins.
38) Read every chapter of the Bible (38/1189)
39) Write Samuel a letter each month (1/33)
40) Go to All Fired Up
41) Leave a 100% tip.
42) Don't eat out for a week.
43) Go on a date with my dad.
44) Have lunch with my sister.
45) Get new glasses.
46) Get engaged.
47) Devote 30 to 45 minutes each day to God (10/1001)
48) Deposit $10.00 into savings for every goal achieved (30/1010)
49) Get a pedicure.
50) Laugh out loud everyday (10/1001)
51) Go on a hike
52) Eat a different flavor of Summer Snow each time I go
53) Win a Scrabble game on family game night
54) Transform that ugly cement slab in the backyard.
55) Clean up the fire pit.
56) Play the piano 3 times a week for a month (0/12)
57) Send flowers to four special people just because - to Paula
58) Save all my change for 1001 days and cash it in when the challenge is done
59) Go to Disney World
60) Go Black Friday shopping with mom and Kayla.
61) Buy new socks
62) Do 10 nice things for random people I know without telling them (2/10)
63) Go one week without buying anything
64) Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with a different letter of the alphabet (2/26)
65) Color every page in a coloring book
66) Send a note to a friend just because
67) Make a recipe book
68) Go to a drive-in movie
69) Take a photo of a place through all four seasons
70) Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet and create an album of those pictures (0/26)
71) Buy new furniture for the front living room
72) Don't complain for a week
73) Give up something for Lint
74) Make a list of 100 songs I could listen to forever (1/100)
75) Make a list of 100 things I'm grateful for (0/100)
76) Eat a City Cafe
77) Fast one day a month for a year (0/12)
78) Have a movie marathon day in my jammies
79) Leave a note of encouragement in a public place for a random person to find
80) Complete all the workouts on my Zumba for the Wii
81) Complete 10 DIY projects from Pinterest (4/10)
82) Try 25 recipes from Pinterest (20/25)
83) Visit a state I've never been to
84) Go to the mountains
85) Host a Pampered Chef Party - revised
86) Spruce up the mailbox
87) Clean the windows in the house
88) Send Christmas cards to family and friends
89) Get a nice coffee maker
90) Donate blood
91) Go through my clothes once a year and donate anything that I didn't wear during the year
92) Write to someone who has inspired me
93) Dye Easter Eggs
94) Have a game night with the fam
95) Go one day without TV
96) Walk once a week during my lunch break this year (0/52) (Revised 4-28-12)
97) Plant flowers
98) Successfully make a layered cake (I'm horrible at this)
99) Make my own pickles
100) Take an online class or two
101) Document the completion of each of my goals
It literally took me 12 hours to figure out my list! Some of the things on my list are easy, some will be quite difficult, and some were just for fun. My plan is to blog each time I complete one of the goals.
When a task is in progress, you will see it italicized, and after I complete a task, you will see it in bold. Some of these tasks will take the duration of the whole 1,001 days - Today until November 17, 2014
1) Go on a cruise.
2) Go skydiving...and take my daddy!
3) Buy a new fridge.
4) Finally go to the Montgomery Zoo with Amber and Samantha.
5) Visit with Haley. It's been too long.
6) Make a list of 100 things that make me happy. (0/100)
7) Stay off Facebook for an entire week.
8) Finish knitting that pink and brown scarf I started - revised 2-12-13.
9) Knit scarves for Christmas presents - revised 2-12-13.
10) Hold a brand new baby.
11) Donate my hair to locks of love.
12) Get a raise...
13) Put a mantle on the fireplace.
14) No internet - including email - for 24 hours.
15) Learn to play Chess.
16) Think 1 positive thought a day for a month. Maybe this can turn into a good habit.
17) Take 1 photo a day for a year
18) Get a New Year's kiss from my love.
19) Get rid of the ugly old TV in the shed.
20) Finish reading the Hunger Games series
21) See the Hunger Games movie.
22) Lose 40 pounds.
23) Celebrate my baby sister's engagement.
24) Pay for the meal of the person behind me in a drive through.
25) Dig up the satellite dish in the front yard.
26) Find a new dentist in town.
27) Buy a mattress for the guest bedroom.
28) Repaint the front door.
29) Make homemade hummus.
30) Go to the beach.
31) No chocolate for one month. (0/31)
32) No soda for one month. (0/31)
33) Take my mom to another Bon Jovi concert.
34) Find Paul a job.
35) Buy a nice camera. Maybe mom will let me be her business partner! :)
36) Throw a surprise party.
37) Swim with dolphins.
38) Read every chapter of the Bible (38/1189)
39) Write Samuel a letter each month (1/33)
40) Go to All Fired Up
41) Leave a 100% tip.
42) Don't eat out for a week.
43) Go on a date with my dad.
44) Have lunch with my sister.
45) Get new glasses.
46) Get engaged.
47) Devote 30 to 45 minutes each day to God (10/1001)
48) Deposit $10.00 into savings for every goal achieved (30/1010)
49) Get a pedicure.
50) Laugh out loud everyday (10/1001)
51) Go on a hike
52) Eat a different flavor of Summer Snow each time I go
53) Win a Scrabble game on family game night
54) Transform that ugly cement slab in the backyard.
55) Clean up the fire pit.
56) Play the piano 3 times a week for a month (0/12)
57) Send flowers to four special people just because - to Paula
58) Save all my change for 1001 days and cash it in when the challenge is done
59) Go to Disney World
60) Go Black Friday shopping with mom and Kayla.
61) Buy new socks
62) Do 10 nice things for random people I know without telling them (2/10)
63) Go one week without buying anything
64) Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with a different letter of the alphabet (2/26)
65) Color every page in a coloring book
66) Send a note to a friend just because
67) Make a recipe book
68) Go to a drive-in movie
69) Take a photo of a place through all four seasons
70) Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet and create an album of those pictures (0/26)
71) Buy new furniture for the front living room
72) Don't complain for a week
73) Give up something for Lint
74) Make a list of 100 songs I could listen to forever (1/100)
75) Make a list of 100 things I'm grateful for (0/100)
76) Eat a City Cafe
77) Fast one day a month for a year (0/12)
78) Have a movie marathon day in my jammies
79) Leave a note of encouragement in a public place for a random person to find
80) Complete all the workouts on my Zumba for the Wii
81) Complete 10 DIY projects from Pinterest (4/10)
82) Try 25 recipes from Pinterest (20/25)
83) Visit a state I've never been to
84) Go to the mountains
85) Host a Pampered Chef Party - revised
86) Spruce up the mailbox
87) Clean the windows in the house
88) Send Christmas cards to family and friends
89) Get a nice coffee maker
90) Donate blood
91) Go through my clothes once a year and donate anything that I didn't wear during the year
92) Write to someone who has inspired me
93) Dye Easter Eggs
94) Have a game night with the fam
95) Go one day without TV
96) Walk once a week during my lunch break this year (0/52) (Revised 4-28-12)
97) Plant flowers
98) Successfully make a layered cake (I'm horrible at this)
99) Make my own pickles
100) Take an online class or two
101) Document the completion of each of my goals
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