Drumroll please............... I BOUGHT SOME NEW SOCKS! Yeah!
This is a silly goal, right? Well, if you know me, you know that I
really needed them because:
A) Almost all of my socks have holes in them! Eeek!
Ok, really, they didn't look as bad as the ones you see pictured, but they were well on their way. I have some kind of weird emotional attachment to my socks. For instance, I've had my Might Mouse socks (which I love) for about 8 years now. Woah! And, even though they have holes in them, I'll probably keep them stashed in my sock drawer.

B) I like to wear socks with my Tom's...particularly white socks with my black Tom's. Not that I like to wear my white socks with them, it's just that's about all I have.
Sorry sister that I ever made fun of you for sporting the Michael Jackson look.
Look at those socks! TWENTY new pairs, and ten of those are black! Yep, I'll no longer be looking a fool in my black dress pants, white/pink/blue/yellow/etc. socks, and black Tom's.
So anyway, I'm thrilled that I got new socks and ecstatic that I completed my first goal. I know it was easy, but I'm off to a good start. :)
Now I am working on another goal that I hope to be completed in the next few hours. I'll update on it tomorrow!
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